July 12, h.17,30 Convent of Carmine - Marsala
Large Group by Middle-Mediterranean Aromas
Conduction: Gabriella Signorello

July 19, h.17,30 Complesso San Pietro - Marsala
Transcultural Anthropoanalytic Large Group

Conduction: Alfredo Anania - Rosangela Cerrite

July 26, h.18,30 Delfino Beach - Marsala
The Rising Symbol by Sad
Conduction: Antonella Bianco  
Co-conduction: Raffaella Anania - Maria Teresa Cucchiara

August 2, 2007 h.17,30 Convent of Carmine - Marsala 
Large Group by poetry and music
 Alfredo Anania - Antonino Contiliano - Gino De Vita

ugust 9, 2007 h.9,30-13,00  
Convent of Carmine - Marsala
Thematic Large group on 
"The Myth of Hero between Past and Future"
The madness according to Greeks
Conduction: Alfredo Anania, Antonino Contiliano
The participants to seminar will have as homage the journal 
Psicologia Dinamica 
year III, 1999) 

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